Thursday, 30 January 2014


  • Networking  
  • 1.Network is a collection ofcomputer and other deviceslike printers, scanners and soon. The computers in anetwork may be linked to otherdevices throughcables, telephone lines, radiowaves, satellites etc.
  • 2.  To share computer files. To share resources. To enable people to communicate. To reduce speed and cost of transfer.
  • 3  Personal Area Networks(PANs) Local Area Networks(LANs) Campus Area Networks(CANs) Metropolitan Area Networks(MANs) Wide Area Networks(WANs)
  • 4. Pans Personal Area Network is an interconnection of devices around an individual device within 5 to 10 meters. The devices that may be used in PANs are computers, printers, fax machines, PDAs etc.
  • 5. What are LANs? The terminals or workstations in a LAN are confined to small areas such as a building or a group of buildings. It may be up to a kilometer. For example, department of an office.
  • 6. A CAN covers a group of buildings like college campus or office campus. It is basically a collection of LANs in various buildings.
  • 7. What are MANs? The MANs lies between LANs and WANs. MANs connect two or more local area networks or campus area networks together and is spread over a town or city. It does not exceed 10 kilometers. For example, MAN connects the local bank with all the branches in the city.
  • 8 What are WANs? WANs spans a large area-a country or many countries or a continent. A WAN may connect a number of LANs, CANs, or MANs located in any part of world. Example, WAN is the internet which is the most popular and the largest WAN.
  • 10.  It is the geometric layout of computers and other devices. The types of topologies are:- Linear bus topology Ring topology Star topology.
  • 11. What is Linear Bus Topology? It has a common backbone cable to which all the nodes and peripheral devices are attached. All the devices are attached to this backbone cable. The disadvantage of the linear bus topology is that if the backbone cable fails, then the network becomes useless.
  • 12. Linear Bus Topology
  • 13.  It connects the nodes of the network in a circular chain. The final node in the chain connects to the first to complete the ring. A computer has two adjacent neighbors. The main disadvantage is that if one cable is broken, the whole network becomes useless.
  • 14.  There is a central switch to which all the nodes are directly connected. Every node is indirectly connected to another node through the central hub. The failure of any node does not cause the breakdown of the network. The disadvantage is that if the central hub will cause a breakdown, the network is broken.Star topology
  • 15. Star topology

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